Himalayan Rose Salt

Himalayan Rose Salt

Himalayan Rose Salt

Himalayan Rose Salt

Himalayan Rose Salt
Himalayan Rose Salt
+92 301 6260 786
Himalayan Rose Salt



Is Pink Himalayan Salt Better Than Regular Salt?

Pink Himalayan salt is less processed than table salt and may contain trace nutrients and minerals. It may provide health benefits

Pink Himalayan salt is a type of salt that’s naturally pink in color and mined near the Himalayas in Pakistan.

Many people claim that it’s loaded with minerals and provides incredible health benefits.

For these reasons, pink Himalayan salt is often thought to be much healthier than regular table salt.

However, little research on pink Himalayan salt exists, and other people insist that these extravagant health claims are nothing more than speculation.

This article looks at the key differences between pink Himalayan salt and regular salt and evaluates the evidence to decide which type of salt is healthier


Qaisar Salt Industries  being the leading amongst the salt suppliers , have been registered with several government departments. Our credits are also verified by international institutions like A&V. We have also a membership of Amazon and Alibaba We are also registered with PCSIR (Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research  (Hala )(TDAP)Trade Development Authority of Pakistan ISO 900:2015,HACCP 22000:2015 ,GMP+B2(2010),GMP, TUV INTERCEPT SAAR CERTIFIED ,GTCC , Kosher Certiefed ,and US-FDA Certified Company )

  • Qaisar Salt Industries offers Door To Door Delivery Services for both:
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  • CONTACT US: khewrasaltmines@gmail.com
Est.2009 @ Qaisar Salt .